Strike Package Members[]
Shinei Nouzen[]
Like others Eighty-Six Theo greatly trusts in Shin as a leader. Their relationship is close enough that they can joke together without issue.
During the events of Volume 8 Theo gets jealous of the Reaper who finally found a reason to live outside the battlefield.
Vladilena Milizé[]
At first Theo absolutely hated the handler, thinking that she was just a hypocrite that pretended to act kindly towards the squad to make herself feel good. Upon hearing Lena she felt bad for Kaie dying Theo lost his patience and gave his very harsh opinion on her. While he regretted how he said things he didn't apologize for doing it. His opinion changed a bit for the better adter Lena decided to do things right.
Rito Oriya[]
Both were commrades in the Claymore Squad and were very happy to meet again after the Strike Package was stablished, starting talking inmediatly after seeing each other.
Henrietta von Penrose[]
Their interactions are few but overall positive, like Annette joking she would help Theo to search porn online, or dacing together during the formal event in the Alliance of Wald.
During Volume 9 when Theo was in the hospital he was visited by the Alba girl, they talked about what one should live for, he was surprised at Annette's rather simple reason but Theo was still thankful to help ease his doubts, even asking if she could bring his sketchbook.
Republic of San Magnolia[]
Sylvain Renard[]
The original Laughing Fox. Sylvain was the leader of Theo's first squadron and was hated due being an Alba, an Alabaster to be specific. He thought the leader would abandon them when things went south but it never happen and Sylvain died in battle, telling Theo to never stop hating him. The Alabaster left a big impact in Theo who adopted his Personal Name, his example was one of the reasons of why Theo didn't think highly of Lena.
Miel Renard[]
Theo was shocked to meet the young boy who wanted to know more about his father due dying when the son was too young to remember Sylvain. Theo was shaken when told about how his former leader was mocked for dying fighting alongside the Eighty-Six but still reassured the boy that his father was a good person.
They would meet again during Operation Lorica Sacra where Theo greeted the boy at the city of Berledephadel.
Regicide Fleet Countries[]
Ishmael Ahab[]
They both stablished a good relationship, in part because of Ishmael understanding the Eighty-Six's pride. Though things would be strained when Theo realized Ishmael was planning on sacrificing the Orphan Fleet in the Mirage Spire Operation, and therefore his pride.
Later when Theo was in the hospital he was visited by Ishmael, there they talked and Theo opened about his insecurities due not knowing what to do now that he can't fight again. Ahab reassured Theo by saying that as long as he lived there's always a chance to find meaning in life.